New Home in Ohio

Aww, finally, a chance to sit down at the computer and share some pictures. After a week and a half of nagging the telephone and internet companies, we finally got hooked back up to the outside world. All the rest of the time we've been painting, chasing kids, cleaning, feeding kids, unpacking, trying to get kids to sleep, switching licenses and tags, preventing kids from hurting themselves, battling wasps, ladybugs, mice, and the occasional unidentified bug, and did I mention chasing kids. After three days of traveling in a caravan of a Penske and two cars, we finally reached our destination of Coshocton , OH. We have recently spent the last two weeks remodeling our new house to make it our home. Enjoy the virtual tour:
Jonas must inspect the tools before they can be put to use.

He likes his tea and the new paint scheme in the play room.

We have a bathroom door!!!

The original version of the bathroom ceiling... More to come.

The play room and new yellow paint.

Living room sporting one new coat of paint and at least three fewer coats of dust.

Jonas and Lucy couldn't help themselves, they had to help unpack.

Lucy's very purple room... it was already painted like this.

Jonas' room got a fresh coat of paint and some airplanes.

Another wall in Jonas' domain.

More living room.

The door that leads to our non garage parking spot :(

The kitchen... it's not really this yellow, the lighting must make it look darker.

As it stands now, we have almost all of the planned painting done. We are hoping to be done with the bathroom renovation by the end of this week and so will hopefully have a few pictures of a "new" wc for you soon.

We have an office/guest bedroom now so if you ever find yourself in Ohio or just want to make a road trip, let us know. We'd love to have you stay awhile!

In His Love,

Ben and Caroline

Jonas and Lucy


  1. Caroline I am so glad the airplanes and Bless All are getting more use!! That makes me so happy!!!! Your guys place looks great!


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