Family of Five

You would think since we spent most of the 24 hours in a day awake and not sleeping we would have more time to update our blog, but as most families with little ones know , that is not the case. All three of our children keep us very busy, as well as keeping up with life. I told Ben a few days ago I now feel that most of my life now  revolves around food, from preparing it for the family, nursing Miles around the clock, diaper changes, potty time, and grocery shopping , I don't really get much  else accomplished.

Now for those of you who don't know , Miles was born on January 28th at 6:15 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs 3oz and was 20 .5 inches our heaviest child yet. He was also our only child who was not induced and decided when to come, although I did have a c section since I had one previously with Lucy. Thankfully I was also able to avoid a third round of preclampsia although I am struggling a little bit with high blood pressure.

As far as other things in life , it looks like the year 2013 will be one change and busyness. We will soon take a trip as a family down to Florida to MFI for Ben to get some additional experience and will spend about a month there. I also have teacher training in Dallas this summer as well as Ben will take his FAA exams with MMS and his TE with JAARS sometime this summer. Please pray as we are now in the process of beginning our partnership with JAARS as well as finishing up MMS towards the beginning of this summer.

Thank you for your prayers and we are reminded of how faithful a God we have every time we look at our new son.


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