Fisher update

Sorry for the delay in updating our blog, we have been fighting off some sicknesses  in our family so it has added extra doctor appointments and work . Anyhow, the kids are doing well , the county fair is starting this weekend so the kids are excited to see their artwork and lego model they entered. We are plugging away at school and the kids are mastering subtraction and trudging along in learning to read. Please pray that Jonas and Lucy will start to excel in reading and it won't be so difficult for them. Their basketball season is coming to an end with their last basketball game this weekend. Jonas was excited  to receive the player of the week medal last weekend.

Our garden is producing some nice cherry tomatoes and the kids are enjoying picking them. We hope to plant some more beans and other such things to replace our produce a local rabbit destroyed. Ben has been busy building the kids a wooden playset in our backyard which Grandma and Grandpa helped fund during Christmas time. We are thankful that we have had a slide and sand donated to us as well. I have been attending a local women's  bible study and helping out watching or driving various' friends kids to events lately as their families have been going through  trials. Ben is going on a flight on Thursday and will hopefully find  time to update you soon. If not on here in our March newsletter.


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