Fisher latest happenings.....

In science we are starting a new section about plants and so the kids picked okra and worked on getting it ready for dinner. 

The tadpoles the kids caught in the ditch and have been feeding daily . They have already released around 25 tree frogs back into the wild. 

Jonas at his first soccer game . He is in the 6-8 age division. 

Lucy at her first soccer game. She is in the under five age group. 

Enjoying some personal hobbies . Lucy likes looking at the drawing books from the library and practicing her art skills. 

 Jonas has been makings spaceships to decide which on to enter in the lego contest this month.
An update on what Ben has been doing . 

 Lucy playing soccer.
 I will make a personal update about me sometime in the next few weeks.

<>< Caroline


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