Hangar Happenings
I thought it would be good to let everyone know what projects we are working on here at MMS Aviation. So without further ado...
This is a Cessna 207 from Gabon Africa. If you are like me, you have to look on a map to find the country of Gabon, so I'll help you. It is smack dab on the equator on the west coast of the continent.
This is a Cessna 206 that is bound for Guatemala. It's actually a project that a MMS grad is working on to get it ready for the tough environments it will be operated in. The neat thing is that it is the plane that he will get to fly. Here he is putting a STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing)kit on the wings.
This Cessna 402B got a reinforement put on its wing spar and is also undergoing an annual inspection as well. There were many little things to do on it and I have had the privilege of doing a fair amount of electrcal troubleshooting and fixing. This is good because electricity is kind of my weak area so far and the hands on practice has really made it come to life and make sense... for the most part. When it is done, the plane will serve with a stateside ministry.
This is a Cessna 172 that got new paint and a thorough inspection after it sat idle for many years. I have been able to help put the tail back together and am now working on some details for the cockpit as it is getting redone as well. This plane is also going to be with a ministry that is stateside.
As you can see, there is a lot going on with this plane. It made a forced landing and came to rest only after an eventful rollout culminating with the right wing hitting a tall pole. The guys here have had their work cutout for them fixing obvious and hidden damage. However, the plane just arrived late last year so I think it looks great for the time it's been here.
I hope these pictures help bring to life a small portion of what we do here at MMS. Things keep moving and some of the pictures are already out of date. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep progressive photos of each project.
Thanks for your part in making all this possible and may God bless you for your faithfulness.
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