Last months adventures
Here are some of the ativities the Fisher family got to do in July.
Unfortunately, the blogger mixed up the order so they aren't all chronological.
He even gave the Komodo Dragon a chance, but it was a little hard headed.
(It looks real though, doesn't it)?
Note: both kids have already complied with bed time protocol.
You don't really want to be around Jonas when he has a mallet.
Thankfully the camera has a small zoom feature.
One morning in mid July when I was getting ready to mow, I noticed a chipmunk, we'll call him Alvin, desperately making laps in the kids wading pool. I put a little piece of landscaping fence in and he climbed right on it, thankful I'm sure for the escape route. He was shivering a lot so I covered him up with the nearest thing we have to a thermal blanket and gave him some peanut butter to eat.
After drying and warming up for quite some time, he ran off I guess because the next time I checked on him, he was gone. The kids sure liked seeing him though and got a kick out of the little shivering chipmunk.
We have had a great time enjoying as much warm weather as we can so far. We know that the winter will be cold, so we are trying to do what we can while we can.
Thanks for all the prayers and support,
Thanks for all the prayers and support,
Ben, Caroline, Jonas, and Lucy
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