As we were eating breakfast this morning, Jonas resumed his newly acquired talent of telling knock-knock jokes. I say resumed because it all started yesterday when we were to go bowling with some friends who have a daughter named Abigail.

Caroline: Jonas, we are going to see Abby today, do you remember her?
Jonas: Abbbbbbbby!
Caroline: You should tell her this joke...
                Say knock knock...
Jonas: Knock knock
Caroline: Who's there?
                Now say Abby.
Jonas: Abby!
Caroline: Abby who?
              Say, Abby birthday.
Jonas: Abby Birfday!
(Hysterical laughing by all in ear shot)

That was the start. Then it morphed into fruits.

Jonas: Knock knock
Me: Who's there
Jonas: Man
Me: Man who?
Jonas: Banana man!
(More hysterical laughing)

I don't really get the punch line, but watching Jonas guffaw is worth laughing along. I guess in a three year old's mind it makes sense.

Of course it is nice to see that he is partly his mom and can actually finish a thought, because it usually goes more like this:

Jonas: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Jonas: Apple man!
(Hysterical laughing)
Me: Apple man who?
Jonas: (Silence)

This seems to be more my speed since coherency and punch lines aren't really my strong suite. Poor kid, doesn't even have a chance at stand up comedy.

I'll try to get a December in review soon. We have much to write about from the last three weeks.



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