A Third True Love on Feb. 14, 2013

For over a year Ben and I have discussed the idea of having a third Fisher baby join our family, but as year mark approached the prospect of this happening was seeming rather dim. We began thinking  that maybe God was leading us to adoption instead of having our own , I finally gave it all over to him one morning. The next morning I was in pain and experiencing what we would later find out was a ruptured ovarian cyst . We then spent the next month getting various testing  and doctor visits and I was pretty sick. Right when I thought I had recovered from all my sicknesses, I was still experiencing some symptoms discouraged and frustrated by all that had happened ,that is when God allowed us to know that , "“We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him.”  – I Samuel 1:27
Our third Fisher baby is due on February 14th , 2013  and we ask that you lift up this baby and my healthy daily. I have experienced preeclampsia with both Jonas and Lucy and we are doing some preventive measures to hopefully make the risks of a third time go down. We pray that the baby can make it to at least 37 weeks so their lungs will be developed, what would be better is full term . We are excited about a third munchkin and also overwhelmed. Jonas says that he wants a brother and Lucy wants a sister, so Ben jokes that maybe I can meet both requests, just pray for a healthy baby and safety as my pregnancy progresses.


  1. Congratulations!!! That is exciting news! Will pray for health for sure.


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