
I told Ben yesterday in the car that we have a busy year ahead of us and he said calmly all we are doing is moving and an adoption. I laughed and said, " Yeah not much. " For those of you that are not aware in about eight weeks we will be moving to Florida to join Misisonary Flights International in Fort Pierce , FL . We will be leaving on April 10th - May 2 nd to go down look for a house, school, and for Ben to help with taking a wing of a DC 3 and we will then return pack our house  and move back down in late May.
As I mentioned we are also in the beginning steps of an adoption through Life for Kids in Winter Park, FL . If the adoption goes according to plan next spring we would welcome a new little baby into our home. Please pray that God can work out every detail and finance along the way if it is in his will for us to continue on. Right now Ben and I are just taking it one step at a time and seeing how God leads and provides..
Other than that we are just keeping up with a to do list  that keeps growing instead of shrinking , trying to pack , finish up last minute things , and trying to prevent three small kiddos from undoing our efforts.


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