Hangar Happenings

Lately we have been working on a wing pull inspection for the second time this year. Pulling the wings off of an airplane that weighs 26,900 lbs when fully loaded requires some special tools, lots of space and removing lots of bolts... 328 per wing. Simply removing the wing takes quite a bit of time but after that there is even more time involved with cleaning, measuring, inspecting and finally fixing whatever is not correct.
Wing Attach Hardware
 All in all, we were blessed to have both the left and right wing proceed rather quickly as they both took about a week to remove, inspect, fix and then reinstall. Praise God that they are both back on with all of their hardware torqued and controls rigged without a hurricane or any other major event that would delay it more.
Left Wing Root Sans Wing
In other praise news, the other DC-3 has been able to keep up with the flight schedule for this time of year and has only had minor repairs that can be done between flights. This is a huge praise since when one plane is down, everything relies on the other to keep flying.

While the plane has been down for a wing pull inspection, we took the time fix some other issues as well. This week I got to fix a small amount of corrosion in the tail behind the bathroom. Thankfully even the tail of a DC-3 is big so there was ample room to work...and the bathroom was clean too.

Thanks so much to those who have and continue to make it possible for us to work here. We are grateful to each and everyone who is praying for us and/or supporting us financially. God has been working on me to try and teach me to be anxious about nothing. I'm sure glad He doesn't give up when things are difficult.

In His love,


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