More Fisher News

Here are some more pictures to update you on what is going on in our  lives.

 The kids are learning to count money and now we are doomed when giving out chore money.

 Here is the pumpkin plant  Jonas is proud of he planted some seeds he got from his teacher at home school co op and this week transplanted it to our bigger garden.
 What do you do to entertain three kids while daddy is working a fourteen hour day , car wash of course . ( Thank goodness that somedays are still warm enough for this.

 Learning their phonics sounds through a festive turkey .

 Today we put up our Christmas tree .

 Then the kids made a gingerbread village. We try to make something different every year . Last year if you look back on our blog we made a gingerbread train and this year a gingerbread village , which worked out nicely for each kid to have their own house to decorate.

What does a one year old do when he gets bored of decorating a gingerbread house , steal candy canes off  the Christmas tree of course.


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