Pignon Pictures
Common roads and buildings in Pignon |
On the way from the airport to the orphange |
More of Pignon, this part has concrete streets! |
The Flamboyant tree |
Here is a pick up soccer game with the new nets that were delivered. They had to play around the Mango tree and the backhoe, but they were very excited...and very good. |
The sleeping quarters |
Some of the guests for the night. I think the little one is hiding from the Tarantula. |
This beetle is about two inches long. The little kids kept grabbing my hand and showing me that it had flipped over, so I flipped it onto it's feet, only for it to flip over again. |
Part of the spider control squad. |
Two of the children at the orphanage. |
Playing in the universal language of Legos! |
Our hosts for the night, Bill and Jennifer Campbell, and Lavi |
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