Pignon Pictures

Common roads and buildings in Pignon

On the way from the airport to the orphange

More of Pignon, this part has concrete streets!

The Flamboyant tree

Here is a pick up soccer game with the new nets that were delivered. They had to play around the Mango tree and the backhoe, but they were very excited...and very good.

The sleeping quarters

Some of the guests for the night. I think the little one is hiding from the Tarantula.

This beetle is about two inches long. The little kids kept grabbing my hand and showing me that it had flipped over, so I flipped it onto it's feet, only for it to flip over again.

Part of the spider control squad.

Two of the children at the orphanage.

Playing in the universal language of Legos!

Our hosts for the night, Bill and Jennifer Campbell, and Lavi
Recently, I had the chance to spend the night in Pignon, Haiti. These are a few pictures of the people, flora and fauna of that region. We stayed the night at the Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. Bill and Jennifer Campbell are the field directors and showed us wonderful hospitality. They have an amazing ministry there. You can learn more about it at www.haitihomeofhope.org


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