Next weeks trip
Next week Ben and I will be going to the Dominican Republic for five days and we will be taking Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) missionaries to a retreat in the DR. This past week I took my flight attendant test which is required by the FAA ( Federal Aviation Administration) and passed it. So now if we need to make an emergency landing I am trained in how to operate the life boats and life vests. At least I can answer the questions correctly to appear that way. :) So yes I will be Ben's flight attendant on his flight,this makes Ben very excited. I hope to let the passenger knows they have the most good looking pilot on their flight, much to Ben's dismay I am sure. The kids are unable to come with us so Ben's Aunt Carolyn is coming to stay with them. The older two can't wait for mom to leave so they can quit doing school for a few days and get the party started. Ben's aunt is very excited about this and I told her to give it a few days and the tiredness may set in. To be honest though we are very grateful that she was willing to do this for us and God is providing us this opportunity . So please keep us in your prayers the next few weeks.
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