Warm Weather/ History Lesson

The local people tell us we have had a rather mild winter, I guess twenty small snowfalls can be considered mild to some.  Ben and I know it could have been a lot worse winter but we joke that God must have known we don't really enjoy harsh winters or cold weather, therefore we tell others prepare for harsher weather after we leave here.

The kids and I were able  to go to the park and have a picnic with a couple other families today since the weather was so warm. Therefore,  I thought I would show you a photo gallery of our local park. During the summer Ben and I take the kids 5 out of 7 nights a week to the park since it is only about 5 minutes from our house.
The playground, Jonas can get lost for at least ten minutes in there before we can find him again. 

" The park offers a unique bicycle walking 'Towpath'  which follows the original path of the Ohio Erie Canal Towpath connecting the park with Historic Roscoe Village and the Monticello III canal boat ride."

For those of you who are from the Midwest and have never heard of a towpath, it is  a road or trail on  the bank of a river, canal , or other inland waterway. The purpose of a  towpath is to allow a land vehicle,beasts of burden, or a team of human pullers to pull a boat, often a barge.

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I found this picture on the internet to give you an idea of what a towpath was like. Coshocton still has several towpaths that they use to pull the  canal boat ride for tourists. 

Being unfamiliar with canals before we moved here I thought this little tidbit of history was interesting. 

Here are the ducks that Lucy and Jonas feed almost every night, The kids were happy to see they returned last week after their vacationing during the winter.

Hope you enjoyed the brief history lesson and I'm pretty sure if you come to visit us we would probably take you to see this as well. 


  1. Cool park! And I enjoy the history lesson of the towpath. :)


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