Prayers needed...

Ben has been busy maintaining the DC 3 's and hopefully in the next few months he will start flight training on the DC3. The kids are in full school mode now and have learned their vowels and numbers up to 10. Miles in full destruction mode for whatever he can reach which keeps me busy and him into trouble.

The lasts few months have been very expensive months for us financially with a big move, buying a home, start up fees for utilities, vehicle repairs,  and now we have a broken appliance as well as I found out I will need some dental work done. Please pray that God will provide for every need we have, also if you would like to give you can go to and click Ben and Caroline Fisher on the next page or you can mail in a donation to 3170 Airmans Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 in care of Ben and Caroline Fisher.

Thank you for your prayers and for those who support us monthly so that we can "fill in the gap for overseas missions" 
counting with transportation counters 1-20

Miles learns how to stick stickers

Jonas observing his cocoons to check for molting

Farmer Boy

Caterpillars that turned into cocoons overnight

The boys hard at work


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