
So I once told my mom jokingly that I would be glad when the day comes that Lucy and Jonas thank us for all the sleepless nights and work we have done for them, then kiss the ground we walk upon. My mom listened intently and then said calmly, "I'm still waiting honey." I then realized once again that kids are a lot of work. Ben's dad says constantly being a grandparent is more enjoyable than being a parent, we are beginning to realize why.

Here are some things we have done recently out of love for them.
#1-- About a month ago Ben and I spent three days and sleepless nights at the children's hospital trying to convince Lucy that drinking and eating were a necessity.
#2-- Around that same time I spent a cold night on the hospital floor with a sheet and a pillow next to her crib since cots are considered fire hazards at the hospital. Apparently, random people sleeping on the floor are no hazard at all. Truthfully though, since her I.V. alarm went off every five minutes very little time was actually spent laying on the floor.
#3--Spent 15 minutes the other morning on the phone with the Ohio poison control trying to figure out how much toothpaste could be ingested before it was harmful. Realizing we only had a 1/2 of a tube to begin with and based upon the amount that decorated the playroom wall and carpet I figured very little had been consumed. The lady on the phone reassured me though by saying that swallowing 6 tubes could become harmful.
#4--After a certain little boy wanted to see how much toilet paper could go down a toilet I then spent an afternoon mopping a river of water that spread from our bathroom to our laundry room. I was at least pleased while cleaning of the fact that the water was clean until Jonas proudly announced, "Me pee pee in water then flush paper."
#5--After spending 5 out of 7 nights every week during the summer at the local park , strangers now greet us in town by saying, " Oh yeah we met you at the park."

With all that being said I'm pretty sure we will be staying up late this week and spending at least 4 hours decorating a Lego cake for a certain three year old.

<><-- Caroline


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