Hangar Happenings

I thought about counting how many weeks it has been since the last hangar happenings blog, but I didn't feel like taking my shoes off, so without further ado...

With my hours completed for elgibility to take the A&P exams, I traveled to Columbus to meet with the FAA and get the required signature to be able to take my written tests. I have since then passed my three written tests and now await the oral and practical portions of the exam. It looks like I should be able to complete that by the end of this month as I must coordinate with the examiners schedule and the summer seems to be a very busy time for missions/aviation activities. More time to study. In the mean time, I have gotten the privilege of helping restore an airplane that came to us all the way from Indonesia and served with MAF. When it is all said and done, the plane is slotted to go to Suriname and resume work as a mission plane.
There are a few things missing!

A lot of corrosion means a lot of pieces come off.

But they eventually go back on.

This has really been a fun project for me since I can imagine all the dirt that I clean off is from Indonesian airstrips and feet of the people and cargo hauled for the sake of the gospel.

Well, it sounds like the kids are awake again,



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