Shhh.... everyones sleeping !

The house is all quiet now as I am the only one still awake , just trying to soak up a few last minutes to myself before I start the mad dash again tomorrow. Ben is in bed early since he has testing starting tomorrow and then on Friday. Please pray that the information will come to him easily and he will pass with ease.
This week JAARS was able to schedule Ben's TE for Sept. 16-28 th. So we will be t raveling as a family down to Waxhaw , NC ( JAARS headquarters ) and be staying in an apartment there as Ben completes his TE. While there I will go to  a few things with Ben so they can get to know me but my main responsibility will be the kids since Ben will busy the whole time. The kids plan to go to the Missionary Kid Station every morning from 8 - 12 except for Miles who will just hang out with Mommy instead. We also plan to visit some friends while we are there. Please pray for safe travel.
After the TE testing at JAARs we will have interviews with Wycliffe and they will be able to tell where there are openings for pilots and teachers around the world. We will put our request in for Paupa New Guinea and we will see what God does. After interviews it looks as if we will have a few months to deputize before our training starts in December.  Please pray as we begin this transition to JAARS and eventually overseas. We are excited but a bit worried to the toll it will take on each of our family members from the youngest to the oldest. Also please pray that Ben and I can find some time to spend together because the days are long and the nights short.


  1. Ben and Caroline, it's been a while since we've read your news! What fun to read of your future plans with JAARS! Interestingly, we will be in Indian Trail/Waxhaw during the same days you will be! We are visiting our kids and grandkids Sept. 14-28. It'd be great to connect! We're also excited to see that you, Ben are working on the plane headed for Suriname! We were just there for two months in May/June and Dan is heading up the refurbish of the plane from the MAF side! Your blog is fun and informative! Blessings!

  2. It would be great to meet you guys as well. We will be getting into town the PM of Sunday the 15th. Our phone is 417-230-6588. Let us know what times would work for you and we'll try to make something work out.


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